Commonities: Commons & Communities

Visit communal kitchens in the Turkish forests, a village lounge in China or lake baths in Skanderborg.
On 1 September 2023, in collaboration with Køge Municipality, we opened the exhibition Commonities (Fælledskaber).
About the exhibition
Commonities is not just a play on words, but a combination of “common” and “communities”. In the past, the common was a communal grazing area that belonged to the village community. Today, the term represents the common resources we share as humans, such as nature, architecture, and culture.
The exhibition “Commonities” takes visitors on a journey to local communities from around the world, all actively working to create a more sustainable future. At the core of the exhibition are citizen-driven initiatives where common spaces are transformed into new sustainable facilities that are available to the local community.
The exhibition showcases 15 international examples of innovative and creative projects that have united and future-proofed communities in Turkey, the Baltic countries, China, Brazil, and Denmark.
From community kitchens in Turkish forests to urban labs in Lithuania, village lounges in China, and communities in Rio’s favelas, the exhibition showcases innovative initiatives that emerge when communities take responsibility for their shared urban space and resources.
“Commonities” is part of our large-scale project “Commons & Communities” – and is an interdisciplinary collaboration across our offices in Turkey, China, Brazil, and the Baltic countries.
Read more about the exhibition here.
Visit the exhibition’s website here.